上課規則-Rules of class 上課規則-Rules of class
上課內容Class content 上課內容Class content
上課規則-Rules of class

1. 上課鐘響排好隊,班長把隊伍整好,帶到電腦教室。
2. 從班級走到電腦教室時,要保持安靜。
3. 進到電腦教室後,靜靜坐好並打開電腦。
4. 注意聽老師上課內容。
5. 用心完成作業。
6. 作業完成後,跟老師報告通過,就可以自由玩老師同意的遊戲了。
1. School bells ranked good team, the squad leader to the whole team, to the computer classroom.
     (Vice squad leader in the last row)
2. Stay quiet from the class when you walk into the computer classroom.
3. After entering the computer classroom, sit quietly and turn on the computer.
4. listen to the teacher class content.
5. Carefully complete the job.
6. After the completion of the job, with the teacher through the report, you can freely play the teacher agreed to the game.

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