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The Wolf and the Stork 
A long, long time ago, the wolf and the stork were friends. 
One day, the wolf asked the stork to come to his house to eat. 
When the stork arrived at the wolf’s house, the wolf put 
two bowls of soup on the table. He ate his so
up quickly, and 
when he finished, he asked the stork, “Did you like my soup?” 
But the stork was angry because he couldn’t eat the soup. 
His beak was too long! When the stork went home, he was still 
hungry. The wolf laughed and laughed. 
But the stork h
ad an idea. He asked the wolf to come to 
his house for dinner. He filled two tall pitchers with good food. 
They began to eat. When the stork finished eating, he asked 
the wolf if he wanted more to eat. But 
wolf was angry. His 
mouth was so big tha
t he couldn’t get into the pitcher. The wolf 
went home hungry and the stork laughed and laughed. 
The Farmer Girl 
A farmer's daughter was walking to the market with a 
bucket of milk on her head. 
As she walked, she started to make plans. 
“I will get 
some money for this milk. With that money, I 
will buy fifty eggs” she said. In a couple of weeks, those eggs will 
hatch, and I will have fifty chickens. I will give those chickens 
good food, and they will grow big and fat. Then l will take them to 
the mar
ket and sell them. I will make lots of money! I'll take that 
money and buy a beautiful dress” she said. “Boys will want to 
dance with me. The other girls will be jealous, but I don't care. 
I'll toss my head, like this.” 
As she spoke, she tossed her head. 
The bucket fell off her 
head, and all the milk spilled on the ground. 
She had to go home and tell her mother what happened. 
“Ah, child,” said her mother, ”you shouldn't count your chickens 
before they hatch.” 
附件: 附件news_1130115221.m4a  附件news_11301152212.3gpp  
發佈者:本站 來源: Ling 日期:2017-11-30 11:52:21
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